The story unfolds with Mr. Fan's journey in transforming a 25-ping space into a heartwarming abode, blending wood and curves seamlessly. It's a tale of meticulous planning and a fusion of aesthetics and practicality.
1. The Backstory: A Home with a Heart The journey begins with Mr. Fan and his girlfriend, transitioning from separate lives in different cities to a shared future in Zhubei. A well-timed financial readiness and the allure of a promising location near the high-speed rail station led to the purchase of their new pre-sale home.
2. The Quest for the Perfect Designer After thorough research on 100 Interior Design, Mr. Fan meticulously screened 30-40 design firms before narrowing it down to 4-5. The choice? Senjyu Design. The designer's willingness to listen and not impose his ideas was crucial. The added bonus? Collaborating with the developer-recommended construction team.
3. Requirements and Floor Plan Their wish list included a minimalist, warm color scheme, an open and airy feel, curved designs for safety, a glass study room, hidden doors for a sleek look, a kitchen island, ample storage, a dual-entry foyer, and wooden flooring.
4. Before and After: A Transformation Tale The pre-renovation layout featured basic office space, while the post-renovation plan revealed a thoughtful redesign: a combined living and dining area, kitchen, bathroom, laundry, storage room, and bedroom.
5. Post-Renovation Tour
Entrance: A dual-entry foyer provided both practicality and an unexpected enhancement in air conditioning and sound insulation.
Dining and Kitchen Area: The open-plan kitchen came to life with an island and additional storage.
Living Room: Connected to the glass study room, the space was bathed in natural light, further enhanced by soft yellow curtains.
Bedroom: A cozy retreat with innovative storage solutions and a simple yet elegant dressing table.
6. Final Reflections Their unique approach, separating design from construction, proved successful. Mr. Fan's advice: leverage online resources, choose a flexible designer, compare material samples in person, and enjoy the journey!
7. Closing Scene: A Cat’s Haven The story ends on a delightful note, with a snapshot of their cat, content in its newfound sanctuary.
And there you have it – a narrative of love, planning, and design coming together to create a space that's not just a house, but a home. 🌟🛋️🐱