In a tale as enchanting as the hues of a Morandi painting, I embarked on a home transformation journey that was nothing short of magical. Nestled in the vibrant city of Hsinchu, my 30-ping sanctuary, a canvas waiting for its masterpiece, came to life through the night owl efforts of my superhero designer, Ivy from Chengwu Space Design.
The Prelude: Our story began in the digital realm, where fate led me to a designer with rave reviews. With my sister playing the role of my proxy in Taiwan, the entire design process unfolded across continents, with me in the US and Ivy in Taiwan, bridging the time zones with endless late-night discussions.
The Vision Comes to Life: The transformation was ambitious - a complete overhaul that included tearing down and rebuilding from the doors to the windows, infusing the space with comfort and ample storage, and revamping the kitchen, bathroom, and balcony pipelines.
Before and After - A Comparative Glance: From the get-go, I desired a home that catered to my solitary living with an occasional guest room for visiting friends and family. Ivy suggested merging the middle room with the master bedroom to create a shared dressing area, extending the wooden flooring to the balcony, transforming it into an indoor space perfect for tea-time musings and night-scape gazing.
The demolition of the middle room paved the way for an expanded kitchen and island, accommodating my dream of having a dishwasher and leaving room for a slightly recessed fridge that seamlessly blends into the space without hindering drawer access.
Living Room Luxe: The living room witnessed a broadening of the sofa's back wall to prevent the dreaded no-back support scenario, with added design lines to infuse a sense of style.
Bathroom Bliss: While the main bathroom retained its layout, it received a fresh lease of life with new tiles and pipelines. The guest bathroom was expanded to house a sunken bathtub, a nod to my onsen dreams, albeit with a practical twist to avoid potential earthquake-induced leakage woes.
Balcony and Beyond: The balcony was decked with synthetic wood flooring, serving as my fitness oasis where I could jog while binge-watching TV, all safeguarded with waterproof paint.
The Grand Entrance: The home's entrance was completely reimagined, right down to the electronic lock on the new door, and a cleverly disguised utility box behind a piece of art, adding a touch of intrigue.
A Heartfelt Conclusion: This journey, though remote, was woven with threads of trust, creativity, and unwavering dedication. Ivy's meticulous attention to detail, from furniture to appliances and even the minutiae of decor, brought my dream home to life. As I crossed oceans to step into my new abode, it was more than just a house waiting for me; it was a home crafted with love, a testament to the power of design and destiny.
In this 30-ping slice of heaven, every corner tells a story, every shade paints a memory, and every moment spent is a tribute to the beautiful symphony of design and life. 🏡✨