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AI-powered Contractor Marketplace

Massive design, pricing, and contractor connection

Nisan Interior addresses these problems head-on. Our AI-powered platform generates a vast library of over 100,000 consistently styled, personalized design ideas. Each design comes with a transparent, AI-driven pricing estimate, giving homeowners a clear understanding of the costs involved in achieving their dream spaces.


We aren't "Just another designer"

What we offer more than other design platform

AI-Generated Massive Portfolio

  • 100,000+ unique, high variation styled photo database

  • Consistent style for whole project portfolio

  • Most inspiring condo design database in the planet


AI-Powered Price Estimation

  • Accurate, real-time price estimates for each design

  • Considers materials, labor costs, and location data

  • Helps homeowners budget effectively


Automated  Marketing

  • AI-driven content creation and scheduling

  • Showcases designs and engage local contractors

  • Attracts potential clients and drives website traffic

How the database is cooked 

Massiave database via A.I.


Automated data extraction for AI training

Automated data extraction from online sources, gathering interior design images and relevant information to build a comprehensive dataset for AI training and analysis.

  • Scrape interior design images from databases like Airbnb and Houzz

  • Gather a diverse range of design styles, room types, and aesthetics

  • Build a comprehensive dataset for AI training and inspiration

Proprietary Image Translation Technology

Self proprietary process for scrapped photo processing 

Analyzes scraped interior design photos, extracting key elements, color palettes, and spatial layouts to create structured prompts for AI generation. This process ensures that the generated designs maintain the essential features and aesthetics of the original images while allowing for creative variation.

  • Analyze scraped photos to identify key design elements

  • Extract color palettes and spatial layouts for consistency

  • Translate visual information into structured prompts for AI

Price Estimation

Advanced image analysis for accurate material cost estimates

Uses advanced computer vision to analyze each AI-generated design, identifying materials, furniture. By considering regional pricing data and industry standards, we provide homeowners with accurate, real-time cost estimates.

  • Utilize computer vision and deep learning to identify materials and elements

  • Analyze regional pricing data and industry standards for accuracy

  • Provide real-time, region-specific cost estimates for each design

Social Media Automation

Automated content creation and posting for engagement

Automated content creation, scheduling, and posting across multiple platforms, showcasing AI-generated designs and engaging with potential clients to drive traffic and interest.

  • Utilize price estimation technology to provide accurate cost information

  • Analyze market trends and user preferences for targeted posting

  • Automatically showcase designs on social media platforms for maximum engagement

Proprietary Image Regeneration Process

Regenerate scrapped image according to style references (e.g., contemporary, industrial)

To regenerate pics with similar furniture structure as the scraped photo with controlled style: Unique algorithm that analyzes scraped images. By leveraging algorithms and a vast training dataset, we create a diverse library of 100,000+ designs with just 2 weeks and 5 CPUs

  • Input structured prompts and style references into AI system

  • Utilize algorithms to generate unique designs

  • Create a vast library of 100,000+ images covering various styles

Technology Advantage

Extensive library impossible to curate manually

Self-Generating Design Database

  • Continuously scrapes latest designs from popular house databases

  • AI learns from trending styles and adapts to evolving design landscape

  • Portfolio constantly expands, providing up-to-date inspiration


Unparalleled Efficiency and Scalability

  • Generates 100,000+ unique, consistently styled designs within weeks

  • Achieves remarkable output using only few CPUs

  • Design inspiration outcompete traditional platform both in quality and in quantity 

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